How much is a brand new sax?

Ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on factors such as the level of expertise, brand, and features.

How much is a brand new sax

Cost of New Saxophones

The cost of new saxophones varies widely, primarily depending on the level of expertise of the player – beginners, intermediate, and professionals. Different models and brands also significantly influence the cost.

Pricing for Beginner Saxophones

Beginner saxophones are generally the least expensive. These saxophones are made with simplicity and durability in mind, allowing beginners to learn without the fear of causing too much damage to an expensive instrument. You can expect to pay between $200 to $800 for a new beginner saxophone. Brands such as Jean Paul and Yamaha offer reliable beginner models.

Intermediate Level Saxophone Prices

Intermediate saxophones offer a balance between cost and performance. They are constructed to provide a richer tone and more advanced features compared to beginner saxophones, but they’re still priced within reach for serious students and enthusiasts. The cost of a new intermediate level saxophone typically falls between $800 and $2,500. Popular brands include Yanagisawa and Selmer.

Professional Grade Saxophone Prices

Professional saxophones are the highest quality instruments available. They are made with top-tier materials and designed for the best tonal quality, feature set, and longevity. As a result, professional saxophones are the most expensive, with prices ranging from $2,500 to over $10,000. High-end saxophone manufacturers include Selmer and Yanagisawa.

Different factors like brand reputation, materials used, and included features significantly influence these prices. Therefore, it’s essential to assess your skill level, budget, and musical goals before purchasing a new saxophone.

Brand Comparison

Brand Model Sound Quality Design Material Price Warranty
Yamaha YAS-280 High-quality mid-tones Classic Brass $$ 2 years
Selmer SAS280 La Voix II Warm, expressive sound Elegant silver decor Brass, silver-plated $$$ 1 year
Jean Paul USA AS-400 Balanced sound, great for beginners Classic Brass $ 1 year
Yanagisawa AWO1 Bright and resonant sound Modern design Bronze $$$ 2 years
Jupiter JAS710GN Warm and rich sound Classic Brass $$ 1 year

Note: “$” denotes price level, where “$” is the lowest price range, and “$$$” is the highest. This is just a basic comparison, and there are many more factors to consider when purchasing a new saxophone. Hopefully, this table serves as a starting point to help you find the saxophone that suits you best.

Additional Costs

Aside from the initial cost of the instrument itself, owning a saxophone involves other related expenses. These additional costs include maintenance and repair, accessories and additional equipment, and insurance.

Maintenance and Repair Costs

Like any instrument, a saxophone requires regular maintenance to stay in good playing condition. This includes cleaning after each use, periodic adjustments, and more significant repairs as needed. Depending on the nature of the maintenance or repair, costs can range from $50 to $400 per year.

Furthermore, reed replacement is a frequent expense for saxophone players. Reeds can cost between $10 to $30 for a box of ten, depending on their quality, and need to be replaced regularly.

Accessories and Additional Equipment Costs

There are several accessories and additional equipment that you may need to buy for your saxophone:

  • Saxophone Case: A good case can cost between $50 to $300, which helps protect the instrument from damage.
  • Mouthpiece: While most saxophones come with a basic mouthpiece, many players choose to upgrade to a professional-quality mouthpiece. These can range from $50 to over $500.
  • Music Stand: You’ll need a stand to hold your music as you play, costing around $10 to $50.

Insurance for Saxophones

As saxophones can be a substantial investment, especially at the professional level, it’s wise to consider insurance. Music instrument insurance policies can cover theft, loss, and damage, providing peace of mind for the player. The cost of insurance can vary greatly based on the value of the instrument and the specifics of the policy, but generally, expect to pay between $50 and $200 per year.

Remember, the journey of owning a saxophone doesn’t end at the purchase. Ensuring it’s well-maintained, accessorized, and insured can enhance your playing experience and protect your investment.

Buying Guide

Purchasing a saxophone, especially for the first time, can be a daunting task. This buying guide aims to make the process easier, providing advice on where to buy, how to choose the right saxophone, and potential scams to watch out for.

Where to Buy a New Saxophone

There are several places you can buy a new saxophone:

  • Music Stores: Local music stores often have a variety of saxophones you can try before you buy. They also usually have staff who can guide you in your purchase.
  • Online Retailers: Websites such as Amazon and Musician’s Friend offer a wide selection of saxophones at different price points. Be sure to read customer reviews before making a purchase.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Many saxophone manufacturers sell directly to consumers from their websites.

How to Choose the Right Saxophone for Your Needs

Choosing the right saxophone depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Skill Level: As discussed earlier, there are beginner, intermediate, and professional saxophones.
  • Budget: Decide how much you are willing to spend. Remember to factor in additional costs such as maintenance and accessories.
  • Brand: Research different brands to understand their reputation and the quality of their instruments.

Potential Scams to Watch Out for When Purchasing a Saxophone

When purchasing a saxophone, especially online, it’s crucial to be aware of potential scams. Here are a few tips:

  • Too Good to Be True: Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, as they often are.
  • Verifying the Seller: If buying from an online marketplace, check the seller’s ratings and reviews.
  • Secure Payment: Ensure the site has secure payment options. Avoid sellers who ask for wire transfers or other unsecured payment methods.

Renting vs. Buying a Saxophone

When considering getting a saxophone, you have the option to either rent or buy. This section explores the benefits of both renting and buying, as well as a cost comparison between the two options.

Renting vs. Buying a Saxophone

Benefits of Renting a Saxophone

Renting a saxophone can be advantageous, particularly for beginners or those unsure about committing to a long-term purchase:

  • Affordability: Renting allows you to access a saxophone without a significant upfront cost. Rental fees typically range from $20 to $100 per month, depending on the quality of the instrument.
  • Trial Period: Renting allows you to try out the instrument before deciding to make a long-term commitment. This is especially beneficial for beginners who may be uncertain about their interest or dedication to learning the saxophone.
  • Maintenance Included: Rental agreements often include maintenance and repair services as part of the package. This means you don’t have to worry about additional costs for regular maintenance or unexpected repairs.

Benefits of Buying a Saxophone

Purchasing a saxophone may be more suitable for individuals committed to playing the instrument long-term:

  • Ownership: When you buy a saxophone, you have the freedom to customize and personalize your instrument to your liking. You can also establish a deeper connection with the instrument over time.
  • Long-term Investment: If you plan on playing the saxophone for an extended period, buying can be more cost-effective in the long run. It eliminates monthly rental fees and allows you to build equity in the instrument.
  • Instrument Familiarity: Owning your saxophone enables you to become intimately familiar with its unique characteristics, including its tone, response, and playability. This familiarity can contribute to improved performance and musical expression.

Comparing the Costs: Renting vs. Buying

When considering the financial aspect of renting vs. buying a saxophone, it’s essential to evaluate the costs over a specific period. Here’s a general cost comparison:

  • Renting: Monthly rental fees can range from $20 to $100, adding up to $240 to $1,200 per year. Over a few years, the cumulative cost of renting can exceed the price of a new or used saxophone.
  • Buying: The cost of buying a saxophone varies based on the level and brand. As discussed earlier, beginner saxophones can range from $200 to $800, intermediate level saxophones from $800 to $2,500, and professional grade saxophones from $2,500 to over $10,000. Additional costs like maintenance, accessories, and insurance should also be considered.

Ultimately, the decision to rent or buy a saxophone depends on your budget, commitment level, and long-term goals.


  1. Saxophone
  2. Buying Guide for Saxophones:
  3. Saxophone Maintenance and Care
  4. Learning the Saxophone

What is the average cost of a brand new beginner saxophone?

The average cost of a brand new beginner saxophone ranges from $200 to $800, depending on the brand, model, and quality.

How much does an intermediate level saxophone typically cost?

An intermediate level saxophone can cost between $800 and $2,500, based on factors such as the brand, model, and additional features.

What is the price range for professional-grade saxophones?

Professional-grade saxophones are typically priced between $2,500 and over $10,000, reflecting their high-quality craftsmanship and superior performance capabilities.

Which brands are known for producing high-quality saxophones?

Saxophone brands such as Selmer, Yamaha, Yanagisawa, and Jean Paul are known for their reputation in producing high-quality instruments.

What additional costs should I consider when purchasing a saxophone?

In addition to the saxophone itself, you should consider costs for maintenance and repair, accessories like cases and mouthpieces, reeds, and potentially insurance for the instrument.

Should I rent or buy a saxophone?

Renting a saxophone is a good option for beginners or those uncertain about long-term commitment. Buying a saxophone is recommended for individuals dedicated to playing long-term and can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Where can I buy a new saxophone?

New saxophones can be purchased from local music stores, online retailers like Amazon and Musician's Friend, or directly from the manufacturers' websites.

What should I watch out for when purchasing a saxophone to avoid scams?

It is important to be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, verify the seller's reputation and ratings, and use secure payment methods when purchasing a saxophone to avoid potential scams.

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